Thursday, October 23, 2008

The child sleeps. The mother ... blogs.

And so she sleeps. I suppose I should explain the way I intend to run my blog. Most of the time ... my thoughts are just out there. Not written to any one person or group of people, just me writing down my life in the hopes that writing it out - I dunno. Makes me famous? Helps me remember later down the line when I'm old and senile? Makes sense to someone somewhere somewhen? I dunno. (Why does anyone really write a blog in the first place?)

Sometimes though, my blog is going to be written as letters to my child. And eventually, to my children. I realize my daughter is only two months old, but I do plan on having another. I loved being pregnant. And I plan on being pregnant again in a couple years.

To those of you who I've only recently reconnected with: Here's my life since high school graduation in 500 characters or less (I think!): Graduated 1996. Ventura College, then CLU, graduated 2001 with a B.A. in religion. Got married two months later (July 22, 2001.) It was, at the time, the happiest day of my life (As all wedding days should be, right?) I've traveled to three continents, been to Hawaii twice, and still manage to love being at home (but I still have to get out so I don't get house happy - funny, right?) We've been in our current apartment for almost 5 years.

Hmm. What else. (I know, I'm over my 500 char. So what, it's my blog.) March 3, 2007 was the saddest day of my life. It's the day my first baby angel was returned to heaven. At the time, I was horrified that I could have done something to cause such sadness, but I've been constantly reassured that it wasn't my fault. (I knew I wanted children though - Can I just say how hard it is when you're childless and trying, and the whole world keeps asking, "So when are YOU going to get pregnant??" I died a little bit each time someone asked me that, like it was my fault that I wasn't pregnant yet.) We had a hard time getting pregnant, and then we had a hard time staying pregnant.

December 30, 2007, at 3:30 in the morning (because I JUST couldn't wait) we found out we were pregnant again. Being diabetic and pregnant certainly wasn't easy, but I did everything I was asked to do. 22 pounds and nine months later, on August 27th @ 8:47 in the morning, Michaela June Douglas was born into the world. (By the way, just to make my fellow new mommies and mommies-to-be jealous ... I've already lost all my pregnancy weight. Go me!)

Speaking of, she's asleep, and it's late, and I'm tired. I'll write more when I find the time.

To my darling daughter:
Sleep sweet now, my pretty little baby, for you will soon explore
a world of wonders just waiting to be found by your chubby little fingers.
All the flowers shiver in anticipation of your first toddling steps,
and the birds hold their breath for your first high pitched squeal of laughter.
Somewhere, a pony is taking its first steps, to hold you up when you are small
and ready to ride the "big" pony at the county fair.

Sleep sweet now, my pretty little baby, for when you are all grown,
you will miss these days when your biggest worry was ... nothing.
No worries, no cares, and all trusting, knowing that mommy and daddy will love you
and care for you and see to your every need.
Sleep now, my precious child.

Love, Mommy

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