Thursday, December 23, 2010

Cute stuff my kid says. Part 1.

12-22-10: I was attempting to figure out what my child wanted for lunch. I suggested several of her favorites: pasta, noodles (she thinks they are different), fruit, cheese. Some part of me finally said, "Hamburgers?" My adorable two year old responded with, "Hamburgers are awesome." I love this kid!

12-23-10: Michaela picked up a book that had a drawing of Jesus with some children on the front. She got super excited, and shouted out, "Daddy!" Yes baby girl, that's our Daddy in heaven who loves us so much. You're absolutely right.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Flu Shot

So my baby had to go to the doctor last Friday because she's had a cold for a few weeks. He checked her out, gave her a prescription, and asked if I wanted her to get a flu shot. Sure, why not? She'll need one anyway, and this way I avoid a second co-pay, I say. So the nurse comes in, does her thing, gives Michaela her shot. Michaela doesn't cry, but after the nurse pulls the needle out and lays it on the tray, she looked up at the nurse with a scowl and said, "OW!" I couldn't help myself - I had to giggle at her, it was so cute!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Now I lay you down to sleep - what about ME?

Wow. What a long day. Before I ramble about my failures and triumphs, let me just say it is half-nice, half-annoying that I am the only creature awake in my household right now. Toby is snoring away on the floor (thanks to a cold + Nyquil), my child is happily ensconced in blankets in the middle of MY bed thanks to her dislike for her own, the cats ... well, they're cats, so they're asleep on the conveniently placed blankets on the floor. And I, I am awake and in the mood to post a little.

How is it that I only have six days left of student teaching? It's seemed an almost impossible ride sometimes. I've adored my time at Tierra Vista (been there, done that, bought the T-shirt - literally) and I'm going to hate seeing it come to an end. Except, of course, for the fact that I need to get $PAID$ for a change. Kim's let me sub for her a couple of days which has been G-R-E-A-T, but I just need regular, steady, paying work if we're going to make it much further down this road God has for us.

Did a great math lesson today though! Fourth grade is working on the concept of multiplying 3 digit numbers times a 1 digit number. So we hauled out the base-1o blocks and settled ourselves on the floor. It was fun - I made a math problem on a paper + clipboard like "461 X 6", and the kids had to help me solve it using only the base-10 blocks. Even my autistic kiddo got into it! It was pretty awesome. I promised them I'd leave the materials out for them to use in upcoming lessons (especially once we get to 4 digits x 1 digit) and I hope now that they've had a few days' exposure to how fun it can be, they'll make use of the materials!

Alright, time for beddy-bye for me. (Coming soon: "Weird stuff my kid did / said")